Before and After Gallery

How Dr. Atcha has transformed smiles!

Dr. Atcha focuses on helping people struggling with missing and failing teeth and is nationally recognized in complex dental implant cases and cosmetic dentistry. As a diplomat implantologist, Dr. Atcha holds dental licenses in Illinois, California, and Florida. Dr. Atcha changed the status quo for people who were told they’re not candidates for dental implants due to a lack of jawbone. Through his work, experience, and dedication, he has helped many patients find a way to live more fulfilled lives with their functional, beautiful smiles. To see a handful of our patients, scroll down below, and we’ll explain many of the procedures Dr. Atcha has performed and offers at New Teeth Chicago Dental Implants.

Deteriorating Gum Line and Jawbone

D.B presented their teeth, and through our thorough evaluation and studying their bite, we found a way to restore their teeth. D.B had a deteriorating gum line and jawbone, causing the teeth to develop gaps and expose the outer root of the teeth over time. Based on these factors, Dr. Atcha performed an all-on-4 implant procedure using a fixed detachable, extracting the remaining decaying teeth along the top and anterior bottom rows. After placing in implant anchors using titanium posts, and after healing, placed a fixed bridge to even out the force of the teeth and allow for a balanced bite.

Teeth Shifting

M.F had a milder case with their teeth, presenting a missing tooth that caused the adjacent teeth to shift out of their normal position. By replacing the missing tooth with a same-day implant procedure, the implant allowed the teeth to shift back into position over time, and return their teeth to a healthy alignment.

Decay and Gradual Spacing

With A.G’s case, the patient experienced microdontia along the top anterior combined with a case of severe plaque buildup, causing the teeth the discolor and decay over time. This decay also led to the teeth developing abnormal spacing and grinding over time, especially with the first two central incisors. Through our all-on-4 treatment, Dr. Atcha performed extractions, then placed titanium posts to place the fixed detachable implant along the top anterior line, replacing the previous microdontia teeth.

Root Exposure and Facial Muscle Tone

P.M’s teeth presented a severe case of missing teeth to our dentists, a deteriorating gumline and jawbone, and exposed roots for the remaining teeth. The gradually degrading jawbone also compromised their facial muscle tone and accelerated the tooth loss. Zygomatic dental implants are specifically designed to replace teeth for patients with bone loss. Placing the anchors along the cheekbone provided a secure foundation for the implants and gumline arch for the entire posterior and anterior row.

Teeth Replacement with Implants

R.A presented a case of missing teeth along the entire top anterior and posterior row, and missing the bottom lateral and central incisors. The missing teeth along the top row allowed Dr. Atcha to perform a traditional implant procedure within those areas to replace the missing teeth and help support the remaining teeth in their jaw and muscle structure.

Restoring Original Size and Shape of Teeth

T.M. presented decaying, extrinsic, and intrinsic staining along with both the anterior and posterior sets of teeth. The decaying incisors had caused the adjacent teeth to misshapen overtime. A traditional implant treatment allowed Dr. Atcha to extract and reform the original size and shape of the patient’s teeth, thanks to the patient’s supporting bone structure and gumline.

Extraction, Sedation and Implant Surgery

Similar to T.M’s case. R.T. presented a case of decaying and missing teeth with intrinsic staining and severe plaque buildup. The teeth had also begun to shift and lose their enamel due to the decay, resulting in an array of sizes differentiation along the posterior and anterior rows. Through tooth extraction with sedation and implant surgery, the patient received restorative teeth to help support the gum line and jaw.

Previous Faulty Dental Work

E.D’s case was similar to A.G’s case but also presented faulty dental work. The patient experienced decay and tooth loss, composing most of their dental structure and causing a decaying gumline. Before coming into our office, the patient previously had crowns covering the posterior rows, specifically to the bicuspid premolars, and at the time showed not only failing crowns but missing central incisors. Through a complete transformation using sedated tooth extraction and implant-supported dentures, Dr. Atcha gave back E.D’s teeth.

View many of our patient’s happy, proven results, and if you have any questions about our procedures, contact New Teeth Chicago Dental Implants today to learn more about these cases.

before after teeth images new teeth chicago dental implants
before after teeth images new teeth chicago dental implants
before after teeth images new teeth chicago dental implants
before after teeth images new teeth chicago dental implants